Brod Moravice


Brod Moravice - Šimatovo - vidikovac Obrh - vidikovac Kavranca - Klepeće Selo - Brod Moravice
bullet-max 616 m
bullet 513 m
bullet 22 km ic-distance-long
TREK Physical difficulty 2/5 Technical difficulty 2/5

Route statistics

Starting point
Brod Moravice
22 km
Total ascent
435 m
Highest point
616 m
Lowest point
513 m
Physical difficulty
Technical difficulty

We head towards the village of Delači, which hosts an ethnographic monument under the protection of the Ministry of Culture – Delač House dating from 1644. In the house you can see valuable ethnological and ethnographic content. After approximately 3 kilometres, turn right on the asphalt road to the ethno village of Šimatovo. Here turn right to the junction towards the little village of Zavrh, which leads to the viewpoint and the homonymous source Obrh, from where you can see the Canyon of Kupa River and the Slovenian village of Žlebe. We return to Šimatovo and ride to another viewpoint with a beautiful view of neighbouring Slovenia and the Kupa Valley – Kavranac viewpoint.

We head back slowly ascending through Klepeće Selo in the direction of Moravička Sela and back to Brod Moravice, the area famous for the production of autumn fruit brandy. Of special importance a healing brandy ‘brinjevica’ (juniper brandy). You will also come across a tall stone pillar ‘piljdak’, which was used during Turkish attacks to alert the population of the coming danger.

Brod Moravice, other routes