Route statistics

The ride through the most forested part of Gorski Kotar starts with an ascent via an asphalt road to the Farjev Laz viewpoint, after which you will have to take the wide gravel path. After about two more kilometres of ascent, to your left, you will see a signpost which will lead you to the nearby Medvedov Štant viewpoint with a gorgeous view of Mali Lug and Vode. The ride continues across dynamic terrain toward Lividraga, a spacious green glade with a towering hunting lodge. At this point, you are halfway there, so feel free to stop for a break and a walk around this scenic glade.
What follows are around 10 kilometres of ascent to the next hunting lodge – Smrekova Draga. For the final 15 kilometres, enjoy the long-awaited descent back to Tršće.