Route statistics

Cycle through Ravna Gora, a village by the Caroline road exuding charm of times past, toward Stara Sušica. Here, a centuries-old coniferous forest hides the Frankopan Castle, a historical gem of Gorski Kotar. Find out fun facts about bears, wolves and lynx at the Large Carnivores Visitor Centre, followed by a descent to Vrbovsko, one of the oldest and most beautiful villages. Leave the Caroline road for an exploration of the historical Louisiana road from Vrbovsko to Brod Moravice, the area with the most places of worship and the oldest Gorski Kotar house – Delač House.
You will also like the descent to the Kupa river valley, where Queen Maria Theresa planned to build a waterway. Unfortunately, the plan never came to fruition. In Brod na Kupi, make sure to visit the Zrinski Castle with its permanent exhibition as part of the Rijeka Natural History Museum. After a ride through the Kupa river valley comes an ascent to Skrad and from there on, a ride down the Louisiana road to Kupjak. All that is left to do is to return to Ravna Gora and have a meal at one of its eateries.