
Stage E4: Brod na Kupi – Tršće

Brod na Kupi - Hrvatsko - Zamost - Plešce - Čabar - Parg - Tršće
bullet-max 850 m
bullet 225 m
bullet 40 km ic-distance-long

Stage statistics

Starting point
Brod na Kupi
Finishing point
40 km
Total ascent
850 m
Highest point
850 m
Lowest point
225 m
5 km

The Brod na Kupi–Tršće section of the Cycling Trail of Gorski Kotar takes you upstream, along the upper flow of the Kupa river, whose preserved environment and biodiversity makes for a perfect home to more than 100 diurnal butterfly species. The entire Kupa river valley is often nicknamed the “Butterfly Valley” for this very reason. The road will take you along the right bank of the Kupa river, through the picturesque hamlets of Kuželj, Gašparci and Turke, and the numerous rapids and beaches are perfect for taking a dip. The water-powered mill and sawmill in Zamost and the ethnological collection of the house of Palčava Šiša in Plešce are also a must-visit. The development of this area is credited to Petar Zrinski, who had an iron smelting plant built in Čabar in 1651. The most famous structure in Čabar is the 16th-century Zrinski Castle, located only 700 metres from the Čabranka river source. A more demanding ascent awaits you on the way from Čabar to Tršće, but every metre crossed will be well worth the effort.

Explore stunning landscapes, breathe fresh air, visit castles, stay in charming cottages, and savor authentic, nature-inspired cuisine.

GK divider


Don’t miss out on the rich Gorski Kotar feast and enjoy gastronomic specialities prepared using ingredients sourced from the hills or venison specialities, along with other local delicacies. A richness of flavour, authentic dishes and local beverages offer a chance to sit back and rediscover long lost flavours.


Gorski Kotar offers a rest for the soul and body throughout the year. Look for accommodation, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, where you will fall asleep to the gentle murmur of the forest and the chirping of birds. In any larger settlement of Gorski Kotar you will find comfortable accommodation waiting just for you and inviting you to a revitalising holiday.


Discover a wide range of events in Gorski Kotar that will enrich your experience. Learn about our customs, traditions, and rich gastronomy. Get involved and be an active participant in sports and recreational activities, or join us in cheering on the competitors. Join our irresistible cultural and entertainment events for the perfect dose of enjoyment and relaxation.